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Having tried a vast array of deer calls and being less than impressed with every one of them I was beginning to believe a good call was nonexistent. However, while watching a hunting show on tv, I happened to see a commercial for the Illusion Systems Extinguisher deer call and decided to purchase one to check it out for myself. I was extremely impressed with the lifelike sound this call produced. Needless to say, I carry this call with me every time I hit the woods for a deer hunt.
As this short video displays - The Extinguisher deer call is quite capable of producing lifelike sounds.
The Illusion Systems Extinguisher deer call features:
- Now there is no need to carry two or three different calls to the stand. With its patented ModiSlide the Extinguisher allows you to switch your calling from buck to doe to fawn instantly by simply sliding the mechanism up or down.
- The ModiSlide mechanism gives this call the advantage of being freeze-free by not only changing the call sound but also freeing up the call if you ever experience "freeze up."
- The throat tube easily allows directional calling so you can be sure that monster buck will hear you.
- Every Extinguisher deer call sold includes a DVD to show you exactly how you can master the art of deer calling.
- The Extinguisher deer call comes with a 30 day 100% money back guarantee.
One more reason to purchase the Extinguisher - It's made in the U.S.A.!
If you're like me and have tried a seemingly endless number of calls without satisfaction, it's time for you to try the Extinguisher. It's the real deal!
- Any day in the outdoors is a good day