Bumping Crank Baits For Bass

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Most every angler knows what a crank bait is; however, for those who don't know, a crank bait is a fishing lure with a bill to which the fishing line is attached.  Various lures will have differing sized bills.  The depth to which the crank bait will dive is determined by the length of the bill.  When preformed properly, using crank baits can produce excellent results.

Bass Pro Shops XTS Mini Minnow Crank Bait, Crank bait, XTS Mini Minnow
Bass Pro Shops XTS Mini Minnow

A crank bait should be fished in and around sources of cover such as sunken trees, brush piles, rocky bottoms and even dock pilings.  Cast your lure out and retrieve it in such a manner that it will come into contact with the cover debris.  When the lure contacts an obstacle the bill on the front is designed to deflect it off of whatever it hits.  As this happens, it will appear to be making an evasive move attempting to avoid being eaten.  It is possible to catch fish while simply reeling your line in, but this action that will usually initiate a strike by triggering the predator instinct of a bass.

Rapala Ultra Light Crank, Rapala, Rapala crank bait
Rapala Ultra Light Crank Bait

fishing can be fast and exciting when you are fishing at the correct depth. You will find that the line weight will affect the depth to which your lure will travel.  As a general rule your bait will dive deeper with a lighter weight line and will run more shallow with a heavier weight line.  You should also consider the type of rod that will be in use.

Using a medium action fishing rod will assist you in casting and setting the hook.  The starting point for bending on a medium action rod is typically near the half way point between the handle and the tip.  This will help launch your fishing lure much farther than a heavy action rod as you will get more "whip" out of it.  It will also enable you to set the hook on that next monster much better than you would be able to with a light action rod. 

As with any other lure, you will want to be sure you have numerous color and size combinations to ensure that you are able to find one that will entice the bass into biting in a variety of water conditions on any given day.

- Any day in the outdoors is a good day

It's Almost Time For Squirrel Hunting As Midwest Squirrel Seasons Begin Opening

Throughout the midwest squirrel season is fast approaching.  Outlined below are the squirrel season dates that have been provided by each state.  There are some states that haven't updated their sites; however, each is listed with the information available at this time.


The only information listed for Illinois is the dates for last year.  They were as follows:

Aug. 1, 2015 - Feb. 15, 2016 (Statewide) Closed Nov. 20 - 22 and Dec. 3 - 6 in counties open for firearm deer hunting

Continue checking back with the Illinois DNR for more information.


Squirrel (Fox & Gray) Sept. 3-Jan. 31, 2017

I was unable to find the daily and possession limits for Iowa.  To find the limits for the 2016 Iowa squirrel hunting season check with the Iowa DNR.


Kansas is another state that is slow to update their regulations online.
Last years season and limits were as follows:

Date: 06/01/2015 - 02/28/2016
Location: Statewide

  • Area Open: Statewide
  • Daily bag limit: 5
  • Possession limit: 20
Check with the KDWPT for updated information.


Sept 15 - Mar 1

Bag Limit: 5 (daily), 10 (possession)

This is all of the information provided by Michigan.  Please check with the Michigan DNR for more information and to be sure this is correct for 2016.


Minnesota is another state in the midwest that is slow to update their site with new regulations.
At this time they do not have the new 2016 squirrel season regulations posted.

Check with the Minnesota DNR for updates.


Missouri does an excellent job keeping their site up to date with all of their hunting regulations, seasons and limits.  The squirrel season and limits in Missouri are as follows:

May 28, 2016 - Feb. 15, 2017

Daily limit:  10
Possession limit:  20


Although Nebraska has their squirrel season dates posted, they do not list the daily or possession limits.  The Nebraska squirrel season dates are as follows:

Aug. 1, 2016 – Jan. 31, 2017

Check with the Nebraska Game & Parks for more information.

North Dakota:

The only information provided on North Dakota's Game & Fish site is as follows:

Opens:  September 10th

Please check the above link for more information.


The season and limits for Ohio's 2016 squirrel season are not listed on their site.
Last years season was from September , 2015 to January 31, 2016 with a limit of 6.

Please check with the Ohio DNR for updates.

South Dakota:

The squirrel season dates listed on the South Dakota DNR site are for 2015.
The daily limit was 5 with a possession limit of 15.  This is subject to change.
Continue to check back with them at the link provided above for updates.


Wisconsin squirrel season is from September 17, 2016 to January 31, 2017.
The daily and possession limits were not found on their site.
Check with the Wisconsin DNR for updates.

As I searched out the information for the squirrel season dates in the midwest states, I was highly disappointed to find out that many of them are slow to update their information.  Of all the midwest states, Missouri has the most liberal squirrel hunting season dates and limits.  Missouri also seems to do the best job of keeping their information up to date.  

I hope the information I have been able to provide has helped as many people as possible.

- Any day in the outdoors is a good day