The Sawyer Water Treatment Bottle Review

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When exploring the outdoors it is important to be prepared for any emergency situations that may arise. The Sawyer water treatment bottle allows you to do just that. This five ounce personal water treatment bottle makes it easy to know that you will have clean fresh water no matter where you are. Simply fill the bottle directly from a creek, lake or stream and you can drink it instantly through the built in water filtration straw. 

Sawyer Water Treatment Bottle with Internal Filter, Water Treatment Bottle, Sawyer Water Bottle
Sawyer Water Treatment Bottle

  • Lightweight
  • Hollow Fiber Membrane filter physically removes particles
    • Removes 99.9% of Bacteria
    • Removes 99.9% of Protozoa down to .1 micron absolute in size including Cryptosporidia, Giardia, and Salmonella
  • Bottle Capacity:  32 ounces
  • Purifies your water without the residual chemical tastes
  • BPA free
Whether you are camping, bicycling, fishing, hiking, hunting or however you choose to explore the outdoors, you can't afford to go without having a method of obtaining safe drinking water.  With the Sawyer water treatment bottle you will always be prepared.

- Any day in the outdoors is a good day

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Why You Need Fishing Lures In An Assortment Of Colors

Any links to merchants in this post are affiliate links.  If you click on a link and purchase a product mentioned in this post I may earn a commission.  This will not add to the price you pay for that product.

Growing up in the midwest my brother and I spent a lot of our time fishing the ponds that provided our small town with its drinking water.  I couldn't begin to tell you how many hours we spent fishing or the number of fish we brought to shore.  However, of all the times we were out there trying new lures and learning from our experiences there is one day that stands apart from the rest.

We had been fishing along the east dam of the smaller pond for an hour or so and just slaying the crappie when the city mayor and police chief decided to come down and fish with us for a while.  It seemed as though my brother and I couldn't cast our crappie jigs into the water without reeling in another fish.  The mayor and chief of police stood there watching in amazement for a couple of minutes before finally casting their own lines in.  Cast after cast they would retrieve their lures without so much as a bite.  My brother and I would cast our lines and reel in another fish.  This pattern continued on for at least a half an hour before the mayor broke down and decided he wanted to have a look at the bait we were using.

Johnson Beetle Bou Marabou Crappie Jigs - Yellow/Black/Yellow - 1/16 oz.
Having A lure with the right color
combination can be the difference
between catching a lot of fish and
being skunked.

After looking our jigs over and deciding he had nothing that resembled it he asked if he could purchase one of ours.  Of course we said "sure you can," and made a little money while participating in one of our favorite sports.  Who can beat making money while doing what you love?  Upon the two of them replacing their lures with the crappie jigs they had received from us things really heated up.  By now there were several people down at our end of the pond trying everything they could to get in on the action, but only four of us had the magic bait!  If you weren't using the exact lure we had, you weren't catching anything.

That day I learned a lesson I would never forget, and if you read my blog regularly you may already know what that lesson was as I tend to repeat it in many of my fishing posts.  Always make sure you keep a vast array of lures in as many colors and color combinations as you can.  This one simple act can make the difference between catching a lot of fish and going home empty handed.

- Any day in the outdoors is a good day