Weather & Work Delays

As much as I would like to be out there fishing and/or hunting right now I have been experiencing both weather and work delays.  Working long days in combination with more nasty weather has really put a damper on what was turning out to be a great year so far.  Oh well, I guess this too shall pass.  When these things happen you just have to catch yourself before you become too disappointed by the circumstances and regain control of your mindset.  This situation can't possibly last forever, and believe me when it finally lets up I will be right back at it.  Up to this point it has been a really great year for filling the freezer.

Fireworks Pictures, Fireworks, Fireworks Display
The Family Fireworks Display

We did have a fish fry with the family on the 4th of July shooting clays and blowing off fireworks.  I must say I was a bit surprised with myself having shot about 100 shells through my Mossberg 500 12 gauge without experiencing any soreness whatsoever. My wife on the other hand did bruise her arm where it meets with her shoulder and asked me "you think I held my gun in the wrong spot a couple of times?"  She then laughed the matter off and said "guess I learned my lesson.  Keep the butt of the gun in the pocket where it belongs."

Shooting Clays, Target Practice, Shooting Shotguns
Shooting Clays With The Family

Over all we had a really good time visiting with family and friends although mom and dad weren't able to be there this year as mom wasn't feeling well.  I'm pretty sure she has been pushing herself too hard since the cancer surgery.  She just doesn't know how to take it easy when she needs to.  I guess some people may never learn that lesson.

I hope you all had a fun, safe and exciting Independence day too.  Until next time, remember......

- Any day in the outdoors is a good day

Wisconsin's Amnicon Falls State Park

The Amnicon Falls State Park is an 828 acre gem in that is located seven miles to the east of Superior City.  This park offers many outdoor activities for its visitors including camping, fishing, hiking, hunting, swimming and trapping.

  • Camping - There are 36 campsites including one that is handicap accessible and two walk-in sites.  
  • Fishing - Although it is possible to fish in the fast flowing river in the park, there is a slower moving part of the river below the park offering a variety of species to catch.  All anglers must have the appropriate fishing permit(s).
  • Hiking - The Amnicon Falls State Park offers 1.8 miles of trails with  several small trails on either side of the river.
  • Hunting/Trapping - Hunting and trapping are permitted with the proper permits within designated open areas during the appropriate seasons.
  • Swimming - Swimming is allowed in the park; however, caution must be used as water levels and speeds can change from day to day.  No jumping or diving from rocks is allowed.
This State park offers the outdoor enthusiast the opportunity to enjoy nature and learn about the Douglas Fault.  Anyone interested in the results of past volcanic activity would enjoy the views around the park.

For more information on this State Park check out the Wisconsin DNR Website.

- Any day in the outdoors is a good day