The Benefits Of Hunting

Hunting....Just mentioning the word is enough to set off an emotional rage for what seems to be more and more people all the time.  These people are unwilling to even consider that hunting may actually be beneficial in some ways.  They only think of poor, innocent animals being slaughtered for what seems to them to be no good reason.  These same people who will turn around and eat a juicy steak or some smoked ribs without thinking twice might be surprised to find out that hunters play a major role in all aspects of the conservation of the very animals they hunt.   

Hunters and have an environmental impact that reaches far beyond the simple killing of the animals which they pursue.  Without hunting wildlife populations would quickly become out of control resulting in disease and the deaths of many animals.  Much of the money from permits which hunters are required to purchase in order to participate in the sport is used in conservation efforts such as studying and controlling diseases in our wildlife populations.

Aside from the positive environmental aspects provided by hunting, there is also an immensely positive economic impact as well.  Every year hunters provide a huge boost to the economy through purchasing their guns, decoys, calls, clothing and other gear as well as spending money on gas, food, lodging, travel and other related expenses.  These purchases made throughout the U.S. are responsible for keeping a multitude of Americans employed.  There is also an immense tax benefit for both the state and federal government.  

Another less known benefit that hunters provide is that of helping to feed needy families.  Many states have programs which allow the meat from legally taken game animals to be donated for the purpose of helping those are in need of food.

The next time someone wants to get in your face about how terrible hunters are, I hope you will gently remind them that there is a good chance the money spent by hunters is the same money that in one way or another supports their livelihood.

- Any day in the outdoors is a good day

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