Get In Shape Now For Easier Hunting This Fall

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How many times have you been out in the field wondering how in the world you will be able to hunt all day?  You can improve your hunting experiences by simply starting a workout routine now.  

If you don't feel that you are able to take on a full blown exercise routine, start out small and build yourself up to a more strenuous workout.  You can start by walking half a mile to a mile per day for a week or two and then move up to two miles per day for a couple of weeks.  If walking isn't your style, bicycling is an excellent way to improve your stamina.  You can build up your bicycling program over time as you become more accustomed to the workout.  Be sure to take water with you while exercising to prevent dehydration.  The Sawyer water filtration bottle is an excellent choice that will enable you to always have fresh water no matter where you go.  Check out the Sawyer Water Treatment Bottle Review for more information about this essential item.

After you have a couple of weeks of exercise under your belt, build your routine up a bit. Start taking longer walks and make sure to include some good sized inclines during your outings.  Once you get comfortable with this raise the bar a little more and add some jogging into your walks.  If you choose bicycling, be sure to add in some time when you pick up the pace.  As time goes on, continue building up your workouts.  

Give it a couple more weeks and begin carrying your hunting pack with you on your exercise adventures.  Place a few items in your backpack and continue your daily exercise routine.  As each new week arrives, add more weight to your pack until you are toting as much or more weight than you will be hauling with you into the woods.  Be sure to continue working on climbing and descending those inclines.  You may even want to begin adding some inclines that are quite a bit steeper.  If the area where you exercise allows it, you may want to begin carrying your bow or gun with you on your outings as well.

You can also begin eating a bit less at each of your meals.  This will help you lose a little weight which will also improve your ability to remain in the woods for longer hunts and improve your odds for a successful outing.

As with any exercise regimen it is important to start out slowly and build yourself up to peak performance in order to avoid any injuries.  It is important to build yourself up slowly because an injury will only hinder your progression.  Keep up the workouts throughout the spring and summer months and you will be more prepared than most to hit the woods this fall.

- Any day in the outdoors is a good day

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