Easy To Build Target Stand

If you own a gun, chances are you enjoy shooting it as often as you can.  Having a target holder enables you to hang your targets at the desired height and change them out as often as you want.  The following explains how I built a simple and inexpensive target holder that will last for quite some time.  The video shows what the target holder looks like upon completing the build.

For this project you will need:
  • 2 - Treated 4x4x8's
  • 1/2 Sheet of Plywood
  • 2 Bags of concrete mix
  • 8 or 10 screws (the length of screw depends on the thickness of the plywood you choose).
  • A post hole digger or a shovel 

This target holder could also be built with the slats from an old pallet instead of using plywood.  This will bring the cost down even more.  The purpose of using plywood or pallet slats is so that you can change out the actual piece of material that holds the targets when it is worn out.

  1. The first step in this build is to find the desired location for your target holder and dig two holes approximately two feet deep.  I spaced my holes about four feet apart so that the half sheet of plywood would fit right to the outside of each 4x4.  (For pallet slats you may want to reduce the distance between the uprights to 36 or 40 inches.  
  2. Next place one 4x4 in each hole and pour the concrete mixture in around them.  At this point you can use a level to make sure your uprights are straight.  
  3. After the concrete dries it is time to attach the plywood or pallet slats to the upright posts. If you are using plywood, placing a cinder block to rest the plywood on while fastening it to the 4x4's will make this part of the build much easier.
  4. Attach a target to the holder and have some fun!
As I told you in the video, I  build a "shooting berm" behind my target holder to ensure that the bullets wouldn't travel into a danger zone.

I will probably replace the plywood on mine with pallet slats when the time comes to change out the target holder.  This will cost less in the long run since I can get an almost limitless supply of pallets where I work.

- Any day in the outdoors is a good day

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